23 Mar - 24 Mar

PERFORMANCE DATES: 10th - 15th June 2025

A fabulous opportunity for two multi-talented actors to really explore the boundaries of their craft.
The play is traditionally cast with two male actors around 30 years old but this production opens the roles to any adult actor - any gender.

Director, Chris Green, has previously cast the roles with one male and one female.

STONES IN HIS POCKETS is an internationally acclaimed play which relies almost exclusively on the skills of the actors - almost no set, virtually no costume changes, no props.

2 actors bringing 13 characters to life, supported with sound and lighting, in a charming, wonderfully Irish tragicomedy.


The Charm of this piece lies in its apparent simplicity

  • No Props
  • Minimal costume changes which occur in full sight behind a gauze
  • Light and soundscape play a significant role
  • The nature of the piece means that blocking will probably need to be more specific than in plays not involving multi-character actors
  • That does NOT mean blocking/characterisation/interpretations are set in the Directors mind. It is a collaborative creative process within the structure which is in his vision
  • We will experiment
  • With room for some mis-steps until we find what works
  • Rehearsals starting from 20th April
  • With it only being a two person play we should be able to adapt rehearsal times to suit both


  • Good to work with – the ability to produce excellent work while contributing to the trust in each other and enjoyment of the process for all involved
  • Please commit the audition excerpt to memory (Charlie, Simon and Caroline only)
  • Physical sense of individual characters (in any recalls)

It is essential that we develop characters – not caricatures – so once we are in rehearsals, the ability to imagine backstories and to delve into sub-plot are very helpful  


With just two actors playing over a dozen parts, Stones in His Pockets is a comedic yet tragic take on the effects of the Hollywood dream in a small Irish town in County Kerry which has been taken over by a Hollywood film crew. Two down-on-their-luck men in a down-on-its-luck Irish town are given what they hope is a chance at the good life. Jake and Charlie have been cast as extras in a Hollywood movie – a shaft of light through the clouds of their dreary rural existence. Like most sets, this one is rife with drama on stage and off – some hilarious and some heartbreaking – as the American cast and crew try to immerse themselves in Jake and Charlie’s culture, and vice-versa... They tell the story of a local teenager, Sean Harkin, who commits suicide by drowning with stones in his pockets after being humiliated by the movie’s star and thrown out of his local pub.


Following Sean’s suicide, the town must come to terms with his death and the apparent disinterest from the film crew who, initially, are unwilling to interrupt filming to let the extras go to the funeral.

(in the audition selection)

Charlie Conlon: In his mid-thirties and one of a number of extras hired in the filming of a Hollywood movie being shot in rural Ireland, Charlie is the former owner of a failed video store. He has a movie script in his back pocket that he hopes will win some consideration from the movie people. He is relegated to a faceless background role, and his script is never even considered by anyone. Northern Irish Accent

Simon: The first assistant director on the set, from Dublin. Simon is just trying to get the film shot on time with little regard for any of the people around him.  However when he is dealing with the Director (Clem) he becomes completely submissive and subservient.  Dublin Accent.

Caroline Giovanni: The beautiful but flighty American star, Caroline thinks she understands Ireland and its people, but it soon becomes evident that her knowledge and caring are about as real as her poor Irish accent.  Any generic American accent. 


Sunday 23rd March - Commencing from 10am
Monday 24th March - Commencing from 7pm

Time allocation – 30 minutes

We would like you to choose two possible time slot options for either of these days, and we will allocate one of these to suit you

Please commit the audition excerpt to memory

Initial individual auditions will include:

  • Introductions
  • A table read of the script selection to explore your ability with vocal characterisations and any initial facility with the range of accents required.
  • Simple stage direction of the script selection to explore physical characterisation and line memorisation
  • Irish dance – link provided on request (Only 15 seconds of this required for performance and it is very simple)
  • A chance to talk through any questions.

For more Information:
Chris Green 
027 311 4900                                                                                         

Raewyn Greig & Brett Carter
0800 484 925                                                                   


Show Times

Sunday 23rd March - Commencing from 10am
Monday 24th March - Commencing from 7pm

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